Startup founders: how do you write your privacy policy?
Do you use a template or just use chatGPT to write one? Obviously hiring a lawyer for that can be very expensive, but I could be wrong?
Do you use a template or just use chatGPT to write one? Obviously hiring a lawyer for that can be very expensive, but I could be wrong?
For a thing I am a part of, we use templates that were written by lawyers, adapt them to our circumstances and then the board just decides whether they’re adequate or not. No AI necessary and way cheaper.
Use ChatGPT etc and then get a lawyer to review. Most good lawyers wouldn't mind that. They use boilerplates anyway (A really good lawyer told me that). You could try a prompt like "Build me a Privacy Policy similar to <a similar product/company>"
During the early stage before you need/can afford a lawyer, use one of the many tools that gives you a good enough template. I've copied a few for me and others from
Thanks for the reply! Do you ever worry that you'd have loopholes in the paperwork, with a lawyer's review?
Can't a creative lawyer almost always find a loophole in any contract? I don't think anyone's going to sue you if you sell a 60€/mo SaaS, esp. if you just hand the customer back their money. Obviously, if you're selling million-dollar medical hardware, your risk profile might be different.
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